Resume Parser

Extract the most accurate and complete resume data

Other solutions can't come close to Quadratic's resume parsing, in terms of both quality and quantity of information. Many other solutions struggle to extract even basic contact info correctly, let alone slightly more complex items like job titles and company names.

Quadratic accurately extracts all resume data - including:

  • job details
  • academic and publication details
  • project details
  • personal summaries
  • honors and awards
  • everything else...

so you don't miss anything and can feel fully confident your data.

Unlock and search your pool of previous candidates

Your candidate database is an amazing resource. Candidates that weren't a fit for a previous role may be perfect for a new opening - and they're already pre-screened for interest in your company!

To tap into your pool, you need to be able to find the candidates who may be a fit. Quadratic's resume parsing unlocks your ability to search and find candidates who fit these new roles.

Combine with Quadratic's Candidate Matching solution to immediately discover the best fitting candidates for each of your roles.

Spare your candidates tedious info re-entry

No one likes re-entering information they've already provided. It's time consuming and error prone, and it seems unnecessary - so candidates understandably hate doing it!

Quadratic's parsing solution completely eliminates the need for data re-entry. If it's in the resume, you'll already have it available in a structured format you can use for anything.

Data is the foundation of everything

At Quadratic, we believe If the data isn't correct, nothing else that uses the data will be either.

If getting all the resume data right is as important to you as it is to us, please get in touch. We'd be happy to show you what our innovative solution is capable of.